As I write this we are in the beautiful Oriental Marina and Inn. Yesterday, when I went to start the engine, it would crank but not start. Diesel engines are pretty simple machines and I did all of the usual troubleshooting and yet — we are stuck. I spent hours in the engine compartment and I seem to have eliminated the possibility of it being a fuel issue. Unfortunately, this could mean that we are not getting sufficient compression… Which could mean our adventure is over — at least for this year. If we need to overhaul this engine or to re-power with a new one it’s not likely something that would be done quickly enough to leave us sufficient time to get down to the Bahamas before having to head back home in the spring.
I’ve called a diesel mechanic who should be here soon to help try and sort this problem out but I’m beginning to worry. Ok, I’m freaking out. I found myself extremely emotional when I woke up this morning in my comfortable bed in my cozy cabin on our amazing boat. I don’t often get this way but as I reported in an earlier post — the highs are high and the lows are lows. For the past six months we have planned and prepared and worried and dreamed and schemed and done whatever needed to be done to make this trip happen. We are, as they say in poker parlance, all in!
Let’s not even talk about the money… Ok lets… A replacement diesel engine for Mavis would end up costing between $20 and $25k. Presently, being stuck on this dock is costing about $70 per day. I have no idea what the mechanic will charge and if we have to haul her out we will first need to be towed to the boatyard a few miles away. Then we will have to store her on the hard until we can do whatever needs to be done to make her go.
I’m hoping I’m worrying for no reason and that our next post will be a happy one where I’ll be able to report that our grand adventure will continue.
Capt Frank